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Due to popular demand we have come up with a ‘How to spot a counterfeit’ post. Throughout the last 6 months ODB Wraps has been striving to take on the counterfeiters in China and we can now tell you that we have the power. ODB Wraps now has its trademark in China. So this post is here for those who buy counterfeit products for now. We recieve many emails asking us to authenticate the products with pictures from Germany, UK even Iraq recently.
Now where do we start to answer questions you all have? AHHH YES…
- Are your products made in China? No they are not. We have no dealing for our products with any company in China. We are proud to have our products made closer to home (United Kingdom). Within the EU, there are stringent safety checks on products and when working with batteries, as most of the western nations and feel that this is a highlight to adhere to when dealing with battery safety.
- Where can we find who has ODB Authentics? We currently have a map where you can find all authentic sellers of ODB Wraps with an interactive map to find your closest store at (Sign up to be on the map is HERE)
- Whats the difference between yours and the counterfeits? Currently the counterfeit products are; Brittle, some shorter than should be, thinner than our wraps, low quality plastics used.
- Do you do the designs yourself? Up until recently the designs were done by Chris (Mr ODB) but due to the increase in the business he does not find time to design anymore, to his dismay. We have been lucky enough to bring on a new artist to the team, who recently designed artwork for Iron Maiden, Fender Guitars, New Found Glory, Bullet For My Valentine and Pantera. So the designs just keep getting better.
- Who wholesales your wraps? You can contact us via CHRIS@ODBWRAPS.COM or check the map for your closest distributor. Alternatively, sign up for an account on the website and once approved you can buy at wholesale.
- Where are you from? We are from the sunny town of Brighton, in the south coast of England. Contrary to some belief, we are not American or Chinese haha
- How many of you are there at ODB? We are a very small team but work damn hard. We have Chris who runs all the business side of it, designs, marketing and works with you. Tyler – Our customer services sweetheart. Shes here to help you with all your needs and will go above and beyond to make it right. Kirk – Our sales man in wholesale and our artist ( Find your own damn artist ahah ). But from day to day you will either speak to Chris or Tyler.
- I was contacted by ODB China, is that you? NO NO NO NO, We have no affiliation with these guys in anyway whatsoever. They are just counterfeiters trying to make a quick buck.
How do they look different?
- Polar – For all those budding artists you can see the use of illustrator in a bad way. They have scanned the design and expanded without looking at what will happen to the design. It looks shit. Like a polar bear with rabies.
- Eye Scream – A few examples are easy to see. The lower drip in the design has a white mark where it should be a black outline and a fuzziness in the top area.
- Mermaid – WORST OF ALL – Just changed the whole colour of the design and ruined the design.

but main one is the Meeseeks. THIS IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR RETAIL OR WHOLESALE WORLDWIDE. This you can only get from meeting Chris at expos, if you’re lucky.

It may not seem like a big deal but when counterfeiters are single handedly ruining the vape industry and businesses worldwide, people should think twice about buying products that are made in sweat shops and of low quality.
If you think you have found a shop who sell counterfeit goods let us know at with the heading ‘Found another Cunt’ .
Thanks for reading