Beelzebub: The Lord of Flies Backstory: Origins in the Infernal Realm: In the primordial times, when the realms were still forming and the lines between good and evil were being...
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Beelzebub: The Lord of Flies


Origins in the Infernal Realm:

In the primordial times, when the realms were still forming and the lines between good and evil were being drawn, a powerful and ambitious demon emerged from the infernal fires of Hell. This demon, known as Beelzebub, was among the first to rise from the chaotic abyss, his form forged in the darkest pits and tempered by the flames of malevolence.

Ascension to Power:

Beelzebub quickly proved his prowess among the demonic hierarchy. His cunning mind and ruthless tactics allowed him to outmaneuver and overpower other demons. As he accumulated power, he gained dominion over swarms of infernal flies, which became both his symbol and his army. These vile creatures spread disease, plague, and fear wherever they went, amplifying Beelzebub’s influence in both Hell and the mortal realm.

The Plague Bringer:

Beelzebub’s reign brought untold suffering to humanity. He took great pleasure in unleashing his swarms upon the world, watching as civilizations crumbled under the weight of pestilence and famine. Mortals came to fear the very mention of his name, associating him with the darkest times in their histories. His ability to manipulate disease and death earned him the title “Lord of Flies.”

War with the Celestial Forces:

As Beelzebub’s power grew, he became a key figure in the ongoing war between the celestial forces of light and the infernal forces of darkness. He clashed repeatedly with the archangels, who sought to thwart his plans and protect humanity from his wrath. Despite many defeats, Beelzebub’s resilience and strategic brilliance kept him as a perpetual thorn in the side of the celestial order.

Conflict with Ghul and Regicide:

Beelzebub’s ambitions inevitably led to conflicts with other powerful entities in Hell. Among his greatest rivals was Ghul, the Archfiend of the Abyss, whose insatiable hunger for power matched Beelzebub’s own. Their battles were legendary, shaking the foundations of Hell itself. Meanwhile, Beelzebub also faced the wrath of Regicide, the celestial warrior who fought tirelessly to end his reign of terror. The three-way struggle between Beelzebub, Ghul, and Regicide became a defining aspect of the eternal conflict between good and evil.

Legacy of Fear:

Beelzebub’s legacy is one of fear and devastation. His name is etched in the annals of history as a bringer of doom and despair. Though he remains a formidable presence in Hell, constantly scheming and plotting, his influence is felt far and wide. His swarms of flies continue to spread his dark influence, a reminder of the ever-present threat of the Lord of Flies.


Beelzebub, The Lord of Flies

Name: Beelzebub

Title: The Lord of Flies

Alias: The Plague Bringer, Demon of Pestilence, Prince of Darkness

Origin: The Infernal Realm

Species: Demon


Physical Form: Beelzebub’s visage is both terrifying and commanding. His skin is a dark, ashen hue, with eyes that burn like molten lava. His face is marked by demonic features, including sharp, menacing teeth and a cruel, predatory smile.

Horns: Two large, curved horns emerge from his forehead, glowing with infernal energy.

Aura: He is surrounded by a constant swarm of infernal flies, their buzzing a harbinger of doom. These flies form a dark, writhing halo around him, emphasizing his dominion over disease and decay.

Powers and Abilities:

Swarms of Flies: Beelzebub commands vast swarms of infernal flies that spread disease, plague, and fear. These flies can devour flesh, contaminate food and water, and drive people to madness.

Pestilence Manipulation: He has the power to unleash and control various forms of pestilence and disease, creating epidemics and causing widespread devastation.

Dark Magic: Beelzebub wields potent dark magic, capable of casting curses, summoning demonic minions, and manipulating the elements to his advantage.

Infernal Resilience: As a high-ranking demon, he possesses immense physical strength and durability, making him nearly invincible in battle. His infernal nature grants him resistance to most forms of harm.

Flight: His wings, though often hidden, can unfold to carry him swiftly across realms, adding to his fearsome presence.


Malevolent: Beelzebub takes pleasure in the suffering of others, reveling in the chaos and destruction he causes.

Ambitious: His desire for power is boundless. He is constantly scheming to expand his influence and assert his dominance over other demons and mortal realms.

Cunning: Beelzebub is a master strategist, using his intelligence and tactical acumen to outmaneuver his enemies.

Relentless: Once he sets his sights on a goal, Beelzebub is unyielding and relentless in his pursuit, stopping at nothing to achieve his ends.


Beelzebub rose from the darkest depths of Hell, his power and ambition setting him apart from other demons. Through cunning and ruthlessness, he gained control over infernal flies and used them to spread his influence. His name became synonymous with plague and pestilence, as he unleashed waves of disease upon the mortal world.

His rise to power brought him into conflict with other powerful entities, including Ghul, the Archfiend of the Abyss, and Regicide, the celestial warrior dedicated to thwarting his plans. These conflicts have shaped much of Beelzebub’s existence, as he constantly battles to maintain and expand his power.


Ghul: The Archfiend of the Abyss, whose hunger for power rivals Beelzebub’s own. Their battles are legendary within the infernal realm.

Regicide: The celestial warrior who represents the forces of light and justice. Regicide’s relentless pursuit of Beelzebub is a constant thorn in his side.


Beelzebub’s legacy is one of fear, suffering, and unending ambition. His name strikes terror into the hearts of those who hear it, a reminder of the devastating power of the Lord of Flies. His influence is felt across realms, his swarms of flies a perpetual threat to all who value life and health.

How to Use ODB Battery Wraps | Vaping 101

How to Use ODB Battery Wraps

ODB battery wraps are a crucial accessory for maintaining the safety and integrity of your vaping batteries. Whether you have a 21700 or an 18650 battery, these wraps provide both protection and a personalized touch to your vaping experience.

What are ODB Battery Wraps?

ODB Battery Wraps are high-quality, uniquely designed sleeves that cover the external part of your vaping batteries. They are essential for replacing damaged or torn wraps, preventing hazards such as battery venting or fires.

Why Use ODB Battery Wraps?

  • Prevents direct shorts caused by nicks or tears in battery sleeves.
  • Enhances battery life by protecting its exterior.
  • Adds a personalized style to your batteries.

Steps to Apply ODB Battery Wraps

  1. Preparation: Gather a hairdryer or a heat gun, which is essential for the wrapping process.
  2. Removal: Carefully remove the old wrap from the battery. Be sure to keep the top plastic ring of the battery, as it's crucial for reassembly.
  3. Application: Slide the new ODB wrap over the battery, ensuring equal parts on the top and bottom. Use the hairdryer or heat gun to evenly apply heat until the wrap shrinks snugly around the battery.

Safety Reminder

Always prioritize safety when handling batteries. Damaged wraps can lead to serious hazards. Regularly inspect your batteries and replace the wraps as needed.

Shipping Information

Shipping will be carried out by your local courier via Royal Mail. Please select your preferred shipping method at checkout. Options include:

  • Wraps:
    • Royal Mail Signed For
    • Royal Mail Tracked & Signed
  • Apparel:
    • Royal Mail Small Parcel
    • DHL Courier